Happy Belated New Year!

 I hope that the first week of this new year has treated you well!

For me, I have all of these grand plans and I am already feeling so overwhelmed. It could be the fact that I have been spending WAY too much time on Instagram chatting. 😂 I really need to get my act together and be more productive!!! 

Do you make goals or resolutions every year? 

I typically do but I try to not be too hard on myself when they fall through. But this year, I really want to push myself to stick with my goals.

Some of my goals this year...

Get back to healthy eating and working out. This is a MUST! I feel terrible that I have failed myself. I can just tell how my body feels that this is necessary. I also need to get into the doctor for my yearly visit!

Finish purging stuff in our basement. We really want to finish it and it is just my dumping ground for just about everything. I need to schedule time down there each day/week.

As for my reading stuff..

I want to get my NetGalley books caught up and get my % up! 

I have some revamping to do on my Bookstagram page - I already updated my review template but there are a few other things I want to do.

I want to keep my reading journal caught up (and finish my review section from 2022). 

And lastly, I want to post more regularly on here. I have only really posted my book reviews but I want to post other content too. Maybe give it a refresher too! 

What are some of your goals for the year?