The Next Chapter Begins...

 and I am an emotional basket case!!! Last night my baby graduated and while I am happy about that, I am super sad today too. I will admit that I was crying yesterday but today I woke up feeling like a ton of bricks were weighing me down. I graduated 28 years ago and I still remember that feeling in the pit of my stomach today. That is the feeling I woke up with this morning. I have had it a few other times during my kids lives but this time it is more permanent because I don't have another kid to hold onto those school days with. 

Ugh! I am so damn proud of this kid and yet I sit here crying today like a baby. I have no motivation to do anything but read. But I really lack focus. I even have a hard time with emails today. Anything from the school or district starts the tears. None of those emails have anything to do with us anymore. The Facebook groups I am on, have nothing to do with us anymore yet I have a hard time unsubscribing. 

It really is silly but my kids are burdened with an overly emotional momma. I am SO glad to be out of that school/district. This year was SO rough for him. Most of his high school career was because of the pandemic. The twists and turns of remote learning, hybrid, cohorts, mask wearing, so many schedule changes and false allegations. I am just so happy that he pulled through it all and got that diploma!!! 

He is now a full fledged adult...working tonight after his senior all night party last night. Being trained to be a supervisor (after only two weeks on the job). He is taking a year off of school and saving his money and then going for an accounting degree. 

**Forgot to post this yesterday but the sentiment is still the same**