Such a great day! I was able to get my exercise in earlier in the day today - using my new elliptical machine! It is such a great workout!!! I was thinking each time the number went up that it was one step BUT it is actually 2 steps! I started out doing 500 rotations (1,000) steps and then taking a break but ended up moving up to 1,000 rotations (2,000 steps) with a total of 10,000 steps in this workout. I absolutely love it! And while Ken got this for me because he kept seeing me walk in place at the end of the nights to get to my 10,000 steps....or for rainy days or days when it is just too darn hot to function outside...I may not walk outside again (just kidding- I still love walking the park). I definitely work up a bigger sweat on this machine!
I started listening to "Atomic Habits" today while I was working out. I have to really focus on listening and sometimes have to go back and listen again to grasp what is being said. I am definitely more of a reader than listener. But it is a good book...not really sure if I should put this under my "for fun" category though since I have another self development book going? I guess I will have to think that one over.
Today I found a cool print out to keep track of my measurements - found it on Pinterest. I just love that sight when I am looking for something specific. I really haven't lost many more inches since the last time that I measured but I am definitely changing! I went to the store today and bought some new (smaller clothes) with some of my birthday money. Jeans - clearanced for $5!!! I am definitely going back tomorrow to get more and I may even try an even smaller size to see how that works out. It is just so exciting to me. I haven't been in these sizes in AGES!!! Definitely before I had kids...even before I got married...and that is over 21 years ago! Seriously, I can't get over this!!! And to think that all it took was having some blood pressure issues to get me here. I really wish I took things more seriously before than...I feel like such a new person and am so excited to see what the future holds for me (and my family). I am especially excited for our trip to Mackinac Island this year!!!
Here are some pictures from today...
After my workout Getting my workout on!My ColorStreet nailfie! Leftover Thai food for lunch! My Hippie Sippie loaded tea!
Here are some items that I completed off the list today....
Exercise every day - 1 hour on the elliptical
Eat a calorie deficit - make healthy choice
Read 2 books a month - 1 self development, 1 for fun
Blog more
Daily gratitudes/journaling
Establish a consistent skin routine
Take daily photos
Post regularly on Instagram (documenting this list)
Update clothes as I continue to lose weight (2 pairs of jeans, a romper, a bathing suit and a pair of shorts)
Continue healthy goals - measure myself bi-weekly
Drink half my weight (in oz) of water everyday
Say “I Love You” everyday to my loves
Buy myself something special every month
Do my nails weekly (I embellished with a 2nd set this morning)