A proud moment!

 It was great sleeping in today! I woke up a little before 10am, enjoyed some coffee while checking in on social media & email. Once Ken woke up, I was telling him some of m plans and how I started this blog...we were bouncing ideas off each other and I was pretty excited about it! So excited that I forgot to take my blood pressure medicine which I take when I wake up. It was almost 1pm and he suggested that I take my BP - it had been a few days and I really need to be keeping track. It was high, like when I got home from the hospital after a few days of the meds high. It was upsetting to me...apparently I am living in this fantasy world where I start eating better and magically I don't need these meds anymore! Yeah right! This situation didn't happen overnight and it won't be fixed overnight either! 

Honestly, it kind of put me in a crappy mood. And this is is where my proud moment happens... I had to drop Ben somewhere. I stopped at Fresh Thyme to get some groceries when Jackie test me to see if I could bring her McDonald's and since Ken wanted some too, I decided to get it for them. I tossed around the idea of getting something without a bun but I decided against it. I just bought a delicious smelling rotisserie chicken, I had that yummy broccoli salad that I made yesterday in the fridge...I just bought delicious looking berries...I could do this! So I ordered an iced tea for myself. It felt good standing strong. I could have used my crappy mood as a crutch and caved but I didn't!!! I feel so good about my decision and I am so proud of myself!!! It may seem silly but it shows me that I am a lot stronger than I thought this time around!!! 

Check out this awesome lunch...

And check out these amazing looking strawberries...they seriously look like something out of a food photoshoot!  

I have to say, my mood has totally changed and I sit here with a smile on my face as I type all of this! 

Have a great Saturday!
